Friday, September 5, 2014

Trust dating sites? I don't think so.


Me Like It Alot!


F - them dating sites people

I have realized that there are tons of dating sites online. There are sites that I have trouble even believing exist, but sure enough they do. The part that gets me the worst is how many people these places have signed up with them. I am sorry but I just don't trust them. I refuse to believe that these people are telling the truth about themselves.  I mean lets be serious. There are a lot of freaks and weirdos out there and I see things on the news that make me realize that you can't even trust authority figures now a days, so why would I want to trust some person  that I have absolutely no ideal who they are or where they have been? I know people always say you can check their background online, but what if the person is a master at identity theft? First you wouldn't if he or she was (because I doubt they will post that on their profile) but you will be fooled into thinking your meeting the perfect person when in reality you could be meeting a complete psychopath. They aren't going to tell you that they find farm animals attractive or that the feel of carving knife in their hands excite them or that he just got done doing nine years in prison for holding illegal underaged girls as sex slaves in his hidden room . No that is something you have to find out on your own.  Plus if your a woman and you put on your profile that you like romantic movies and Michael Bolten and you get a response. Let me tell you that man is either a liar, a homosexual, or at best a foreigner who is willing to be your perfect man until he gets his green-card. The fact is you have a better chance of meeting a first class lunatic then you do a descent, kind, truthful gentleman. Now lets just say you happen to find someone who you think might be "the one" and you end up going out on a date with him......

You find yourself out on the town with someone who you think is absolutely perfect. He is cute, nice, and even pulls the chair out for you when you go to eat dinner. Next thing you know you start to have drinks, and after one to many you offer him to come into your home. The next thing you know you end up having an amazing night. You wake up the next morning to find out he has left and has taken your laptop, flat screen t.v., and cash & credit cards with him. You sit there realizing that you just screwed twice. When you go to look him up his profile is gone (so is your bank account) you find yourself more upset then you were before.

Now I am aware that the scenario above doesn't happen all the time, but the fact is it could. To be honest it could even be worse. All I am saying is that I don't trust dating sites. I have never personally used one nor do I ever see myself ever signing up for one. Now I am fully aware that I am a sexy beast. I am six foot and two hundred pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal, and  have no need to use a dating site, but even if I didn't look like this I still wouldn't .(B.T.W. I am kidding about me being that sexy) The point I am trying to make is that you are safer meeting people at the library, grocery store, or even the bar. The fact is that people online can make up anything they want, and you have no other choice but to either believe them or not. That is just too risky for me, and if you are set on meeting someone on one of these sites at least use a descent and reputable site and not one of those freaky ones, or even worse craigslist. I guess the whole point of this post is just warning you to be careful of who you are meeting online, and to be careful. I don't think I have anything else to say, so I will leave you with a thank you for stopping by & best of luck to you and your personal endeavors. 


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